SpaWorld Centerville VA

For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.

Visiting in October

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I plan to be in the area in October and was thinking about going to Spa World in the evening of October 11th but probably not until 9 or so. Might just spend the night there. Wondering if anyone else thinks they will be there at that time. The few times that I have been I always went by myself, and it just gets boring not to have someone to talk to while there.

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RE:Visiting in October

Hey, I am hoping to go visit the spa after I get off of work on Mon the 8th until maybe late Tues or Weds. I have never spent the night there & I never really thought about it until my last visit. I had gotten a hotel room & went back & forth. I think it would have been easier & cheaper to just stay at the spa. I will know for sure if I am going on Mon. I am pretty sure I will & there is actually a Groupon available that is almost $10 off admission. I may call ahead because I am not sure how it works if you go past the 12 hours & you need another coupon.

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