SpaWorld Centerville VA

For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.

Men's bade pool is still closed and they don't seem to be in much of a hurry to get it re-opened. Not only that but they continue to charge full price even with no bade pool. Don't they realize Spa King is opening soon? You'd think that would give them an incentive to get the bade pool repaired ASAP or at least offer a discount for not having it.

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RE:Bade Pool

Perhaps if enough people contact the Better Business Bureau and complain about being charged the same price as women for half the amenities, things might change. Saturday, the front desk said management told them it's very doubtful the bade pool will be repaired this month as planned....they're still waiting on a part from Korea they say.......but King Spa is apparently still waiting on something since they've pushed back their opening day every month since March and now it appears to be towards the end of the year...but at least they're advertising for customer service position hires. Saturday there were 4-5 guys there most of the morning. At least the usual trolls were not there!

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