Texas Fellow Nudist

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Ponderosa Resort in Wills Point, TX

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Does anyone living in the Sherman/Dennison area go to the ponderosa resort in wills point? I currently live in Bonham and would like to attend Ponderosa for the first time. My friend also wants to attend, she has never been to resort before. contact me at ramblingtaz.gmail.com here or my blog ramblingtaz.tumblr.com

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RE: Ponderosa Resort in Wills Point, TX

Live in Farmersville and I go there. Will contact you.

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RE: Ponderosa Resort in Wills Point, TX

I've never been, but live less than 30 miles from there. I went to BBs Hideaway once, many moons ago......
What is the atmosphere at the Ponderosa? I've seen the website, but would rather know from someone whom has been there..... Is it a place where my 8 year old would have fun? Are there other kids there? Or is it an all older crowd? I'm 36, and wouldn't mind to go, but I also don't want to go if everyone is 20 years older than me, and my child would wonder why we are there instead of the State Park!

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