The Cap, Chapeau, Or Hat Or Bonnet,

Put photos here of you wearing a cap, chapeau, hat or bonnet that is very special to you, an old, comfortable hat to keep you out of the sun or rain, an elegant bonnet such that you would wear to a coronation or the Kentucky Derby, a national cap or hat of some kind, something you would find at a millinery or haberdashery shop, most especially something with a story to tell.

Liberia farmer's hat

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While on my many trips to Liberia to teach people about fish culture, I was getting out of the shower one morning at my motel and I slipped, fell backwards and split head wide open. Blood was everywhere and, after I cleaned it up, my companion realized I needed stitches (I couldnt see the wound as it was on the back of my head). Fortunately the venue for for the class happened to be at one of the last 7 lepers colonies left on earth; they had a doctor who stitched me up and put a gauze netting on my head to protect it. But I thought it was a little scary looking, so I put a mosquito-repelling hat on to cover it as much as I could for class. When it was all over, the class gave me a traditional farmer's hat that was much better at covering my wound bandage than the mosquito hat.

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RE:Liberia farmer's hat

A memorable hat given the scenario. What an interesting story involving another culture.s So cool. Glad you are ok. Love the hat fun facts too! Hatastic!

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