The Older Nudist 60+

A group for those of us that are over a certain age and would like to interact with each other. Both seses are welcome


I am a 65 year old from Upstate New York (not far from Syracuse) and have been a home nudist for years. I am also an adjunct college professor whose school was just closed down for the remainder of the semester due to the Covid-19 epidemic. As much as I like seeing my students face to face, I am reveling in the fact that now that my courses have transitioned to the all-online format, I can finallyy teach in the nude! You see I don't video tape lectures for this, I deal in power-points for each chapter, as well as essay and research paper assignments. The tests online even grade themselves :)
I am going to enjoy this aspect of the rest of this semester (which ends May 17th) but will regret not seeing some of my best students graduate as it appears those cerwemonies will be cancelled as well. However, now that I have mastered the platform, it means I can offer online sections of both courses in the future and keep on teaching naked!
It could be worse, right ?

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RE:Saying Hello!

It is great that you can find something positive through all this. My college age child and my HS senior are diligently working online. Thank you for being a thoughtful professor regarding this challenging process!

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RE:Saying Hello!

how wonderful to have a whole new home world opened to you

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RE:Saying Hello!

helo friend

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RE:Saying Hello!

That is great Judy - Sorry we havent spoken in way too long - Takes too long to explain here - After this virus stuff is over and done with, perhaps youd like to come over for a nude dinner Wish h my girlfriend and I sometime - Hope to get a few things fixed on the boat and have a much better season than the last which was close to a washout

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RE:Saying Hello!

I think there will be more people taking advantage of working from home to be nude. I also think that there will be an increase in the population as more people turn to sex for enjoyment. Stay safe and stay nude.

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RE:Saying Hello!

Yes it could be worse.
62 year old over educated nudist here. 4 degrees and waiting my time out to retirement working at a government lab. Work from home every other week. Naked of course. Conference calls are great. Wish they were on video. But probably would not have a job then.

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RE:Saying Hello!

A very positive approach to a rather crappy problem.
It would be interesting to know how many of your students are 'skyclad'?

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RE:Saying Hello!

A very positive approach to a rather crappy problem.
It would be interesting to know how many of your students are 'skyclad'?

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RE:Saying Hello!

Could be worse, of course. I was also a college professor, now retired. Last term I was on sabbatical, and had moved from Boston to Palm Beach. But when we went on lockdown, meetings could be done by zoom, so I had no excuse to not attend. That increased my work load measurably. Fortunately, I am able to turn the camera off for most meetings, so I can attend most of them nude. For those in which people expect to see my face, I can usually just put on a shirt and be careful I don't stand up without covering the camera.
Now, an odd experience: I attended, by zoom, a meeting of Club Orient owners recently. Of a full screenful of people, there were only two of us who were naked, and in that group that was commented on. Something about being in front of a camera, I guess.

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