The Older Nudist 60+

A group for those of us that are over a certain age and would like to interact with each other. Both seses are welcome

Home nudist in headllights

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Was out this morning about 4:00 am. Walked to the curb and a car up the street stopped (there's a stop sign posted). I was putting out the trash collection. I am certain the driver saw me. I walked back the way I'm came & into my garage. Nothing occurred. Could be because I open carry a pistol.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Why would you have a gun on you if you are nude and in your own driveway?

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Some folks are just plain paranoid and the gun makes them hard.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

We are not all that way. They are still some of us calm and with good common sense.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Why would you have a gun on you if you are nude and in your own driveway?Hate & discontent that the Repugnicans, and now Donald Trump, have preached for years have turned many Americans into vicious gun toting idiots. Radical right wing religious nutcases are very paranoid, and scary!

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Amen Hoosier Sam. Shame there are nudists who can't leave their guns alone. Pun intended. The ones I've run across here who are gun totting right wingnuts of the uber variety all say they are gay or have profiles with all men as friend and few if any women. In light of Orlando that seems even more incredulous.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Guns don't kill people ! people kill peopleIt would be a lot more difficult to kill people if you did not have a gun! 49 dead in Orlando using guns, how many could that sicko have killed with a knife? When there are enough guns in the USA for every man, woman, and child to have 2-3 guns you don't think the NRA, and the gun makers are not making a lot of money off the killing of others?

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Coyotes don't attack people nd black bears rarely do. If you see a snake and have time to pull your gun out and shoot it you have enough time to step aside and both of you live.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

I've had guns all my like as well and still have quite a collection. Feel no need to carry. I disagree about the NRA. They have become nothing more than a lobbyist for gun manufacturing and the gun manufacturers are making a fortune on each shooting and subsequent paranoia. And Wayne LaPierre would probably shoot himself in the foot if he held a loaded gu.
I gotta ask. If guns are good and patriotic why are they banned from the Republican convention next week? Are they worried there are too many ultra right Trump supporting nuts who obtained them through lax background checks and regs?

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

I have snakes and turkeys in my neighborhood and the occasional bear. More afraid of the right wing gun nuts. They are a helluva lot more dangerous.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

If I were out at 4:00 am and I saw a naked man with a gun I would make sure to avoid him and have an interesting story for coffee brake.

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