UK: Staying Warm At Home

For sharing information on how to stay warm at home in the cold weather (particularly for UK residents). It is not practical to keep the heating on all day in cold weather, as in the UK it is cold most of the time. With increasing electricity & gas rates, many of us can be prohibited from being nude in our own homes. Therefore, this group will be dedicated to input of idea's for keeping the...

Rule Amendment Announcement.

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Just wanted to point out to everyone, that mainly in response to the recent increase in the number of Inappropriate groups being created, but also as a deterrent, for any type of distasteful behaviour, I and a few others, have been adding this clause (or similar) to our own groups rules. It is hoped, that this measure will reduce the appeal of creating or joining, any group that is likely to bring the naturist movement into disrepute.

"Any member, deemed to appear to be, engaging in, supporting or condoning, any inappropriate activity, anywhere on this web site, will be deleted from this group without further explanation."

We would very much appreciate it, if you would support this measure, by amending the rules to any of your own groups, and by requesting the owner of any group that you belong to, to do the same.



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