Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

How it is better for us

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I eat vegan and just whole foods, and it would be the perfect way for any of us, doctors with studies show it, and have people reverse serious issues, and cancers, heart attacks and strokes, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type 2 and other serious issues to well-being. I do use supplements, if would not just be me and most people will benefit with supplements. B12 is not produced from animals anyway. It is only produced from certain soil bacteria. It used to be more available on vegetation used for food, animals were picking up the soil bacteria that provided that vitamin too. Living naked in a garden growing all our food would be perfect.

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