Wiccan Chat Circle

A place that Wiccans that are also nudist can chat

1.The following ritual is that of the Celt-Gael Tradition. There are elements which would not be recognized as valid by Celtic Traditionalists, Celtic Reconstructionists, or by some other Celtic Traditions. I present it simply as being the manner in which a small Tradition prepares Sacred Space. For information regarding the Circle layout, history and practices of that Tradition, I refer readers to my article The Celt-Gael Tradition.
2.When calling the Quarters the caller first identifies him or herself by name and lineage, using the Gaelic emphatic Is Mise...
3.Casting is usually performed using the wand or open hand only and is always in a deosil direction.
4.Emotional/Visualization techniques are employed at each stage.
5.The word guardian in the Calling of the Directions is used in the sense of a keeper or owner.
6.This is the normal ritual; however, different rituals specific to the occasion are sometimes used at Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lughnassadh.

The Circle is cast three times. The first circumambulation is directed towards the floor or ground, the second at waist height and the third at a 45-degree angle between the shoulders and the head.
"I delineate this space in the names of the Tuatha De Danaan, mighty Gods of our people. May it be for us a world between worlds and a time between times. May it be a sacred space wherein we may meet and commune with our Gods and with our brothers and sisters. May all that occurs herein be meet and fitting for the purpose for which it is cast. And may it continue to contain and maintain its benign influence until such time as it is properly opened to the world."

NORTH "Is mise...
I call upon Eiru, Goddess of the Land and of Sovereignty, guardian of Lia Fail from the land of Falias. I charge you to set your champions of the earth to stand guard at the northern portal of this sacred space and I invite you to join with us as we celebrate this (event) and to partake with us in all we do herein."
EAST "Is mise...
I call upon Nuada, guardian of the Cliabh Solais from the land of Gorias. I charge you to set your champions of the Air to stand guard at the eastern portal of this sacred space and I invite you to join with us as we celebrate this (event) and to partake with us in all we do herein."
SOUTH "Is mise...
I call upon Lugh, guardian of the Slea Bua from the land of Finias. I charge you to set your champions of the Fire to stand guard at the southern portal of this sacred space and I invite you to join with us as we celebrate this (event) and to partake with us in all we do herein."
WEST "Is mise...
I call upon Manannan, guardian of the Undri from the land of Murias. I charge you to set your champions of the Water to stand guard at the western portal of this sacred space and I invite you to join with us as we celebrate this (event) and to partake with us in all we do herein."

"Danu, Great Mother of the Gods and of our People, we call to You this night and ask that You join with us in this sacred space. Shed the rays of Your benign influence upon us that we may prosper in our rites and gain joy and peace in our lives."
Bile, Great Father of the Gods and of our People, we call to You this night and ask that You join with us in this sacred space. Shed the rays of Your benign influence upon us that we may prosper in our rites and gain joy and peace in our lives."

"I open this Circle in the names of the Tuatha De Danaan, mighty Gods of our people. As the Circle fades and the world re-enters, may we never forget that which was done herein and the peace of the World between worlds."

In perusing Pagan books at our local bookstore I find many which lay out specific correspondences for use within ritual, specific words, motions etc which I am sure are religiously followed by many. However, I never find any reference to the use of emotion and imagination to actually empower the ritual. While it is true that there are a multitude of ways to raise energy such as dancing, chanting etc even these frequently are just something done by rote. Many Pagans have indeed developed individual emotive energy to accompany rituals but sadly they are in the minority. In a group or coven atmosphere I feel that it is imperative to discuss the raising and handling of emotive power, including detailed instruction as to the method, means of passing and release. It is important that all participants understand and are on the same page so to speak. What do others think concerning this?

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