Woodlot Nudist Retreat Friends

This group is for people who enjoy Woodlot Nudist Retreat in Woodstock.

7/1/17 to 7/4/17 weekend.

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From what I've seen weather it looks to be a nice 4 day weekend. Lets make owners weekend. Saturday will be my birthday. I will bring bochiball set and find a volleyball. Lets all come out and play.

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RE:7/1/17 to 7/4/17 weekend.

Hi. So I'm new to all of this, but I'm wondering if anyone is planning on going out there today?
I'm not sure the weather is cooperating very well, but I am very interested in giving this nudism thing a go, and I'm wondering if I'll have any coconspiratora

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RE:7/1/17 to 7/4/17 weekend.

It has been a busy weekend with fun respectable people this weekend. Hope that Tuesday will be the same

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