RE: A treat

So did you put on the shirt again to go buy a new belt?

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RE: A treat

lol, luckily i had a extra belt but you knowwhen you take something apart you gotta clean it out so i wasted about 30 minutes. but if i needed a belt i wish society would have allowed me to go to the store nude to pick it up..

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RE: A treat

I hate clothing to a point that I don't wear it unless I'm going out the front door, or have company coming over.... I'm lucky and get to stay home all day, most days when I'm not driving (6 months a year) but I even get to do night driving in the nude... Clothing is just to restricting for me... If I'm home, I'm naked within 2 minutes normally... Non-Nudist Friends often wonder why I have a mini stack of clothing at the door, I blow it off as everyone should have a set of clothing by the door.... And if you see me in anything 'Thick' or even Moderately Thick, you know I've had to have been to some sort of major event...
So all housework is done naked. I will say this, I do wear light shoes when cleaning... But even then I mostly wear Fila's Toe'd Barefoot Running Shoes.... They are awesome, I wear them most days outdoors, unless it is just pouring rain all day... Even on days that it is sometimes, so I have to take them off. They are the closest to barefoot I've seen... Which I love to barefoot around town all the time. I even sneak into the grocery/stores barefoot, once you make it past about 30 feet from the entrance, they will not ask you to leave just because your barefoot...
I just don't like being barefoot while cleaning? Oddity on my part I guess....
On a side note I've always had wood floors, so I guess it stems from that, Sweeping/Mopping can cause splinters, not to mention that I'm constantly stepping in my own piles ;/ Carpet is nice but I live in an Old Hospital Building, It is all hardwood floors here, no reason to change it :) Lived here most of my life now...

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RE: A treat

when i'm home 99% of the time i'm nude and if someone rings the door bell i don't dress but will use the door to shield me as much as possible , i also have a glass door that i have to open which is no problem but if you want to hand me something all bets are probably off that you won't see me nude. i actually feel sorry for the jehovah witness who visit my front door several times a month when warm weather arrives as they always want to hand me a phamplet they should see that i'm nude above the waist and not offer a phamplet and you know they won't take i'm not interested , someday i may invite them in to see what their response would be. only kidding i don't want to mess with or offend anyone but when you step on my property you do so at your own risk.

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RE: A treat

Nudist older sister almost always does her cleaning naked, and, I admit, doing so myself at my own home on a few occasions. Have helped her several times as well. She'll start either with shorts and topless, and take the shorts off after so long, or, not change out of her bathrobe and toss it aside while cleaning. As for myself, it's usually a second thought. Put clothes in the washer, take off what I'm wearing so all laundry is in, then start cleaning.

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RE: A treat

house cleaning today so i was in living room vacumming carpet and had noticed a truck circling thecul de sac i wanted to get done cleaning so a few minutes later as i passed by the window the truck had nowbacked down driveway and the back was open and a man was looking at the house, well looking outit was the gas man and a few minutes later he had disappeared i presume to the side where the meter was so i went back to cleaning. a short time later the doorbell rang and i thought about covering up but since i had seen him i knew he had seen me needless to say he wanted to check the pilot light to the appliances. he didn't blink at me being nude suppose not the first time he had seen this , he was amazed it was only 22f outside but i told him it was warm cleaning. after he left i went out on back porch to see how cold it really was and actually with the sun shining down and the scrubs blocking the wind it felt quite warm.

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