Cold Michigan

How is everyone managing with the cold? I think this is the coldest it's been in this area for a long time.

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RE: Cold Michigan

I've been staying indoors and anxiously waiting for the temperatures to get closer to normal. It's just barely warm enough to be naked at the computer right now.

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RE: Cold Michigan

Yes it's frigid here as well, but warm a cozy next to the woodstove!

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RE: Cold Michigan

Very, very cold. I am still unthawing and pump is "broke". A long way to go, but warm weather is around the corner.

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RE: Cold Michigan

Well, I didn't think it was all that cold. I remember many Michigan mornings in January and February as a kid when temps hit -30 and lower so To me it seemed to be more normal temps. Keep in mind the past few years we have experienced above normal temps for winter so the cold wave that hit would seem to be abnormally cold. Remember two years ago when the temps hit 87* in March? That was very much abnormal to the point of alarming.
Cold is a relative. Compared to what?
Take it easy, don't panic. I bet if I checked the NWS site for average mean temps in my county, Antrim, I would no doubt find temps to be colder than what we have experienced.
I remodeled my bedroom with new insulation, drywall and paneling and bought a new ceramic tower heater. It can now get as warm as I like.....around 73* for naked lounging, reading one of my favorite Sci Fi authors and listening to jazz.
Oh yeah and a glass of Petite Sirah.

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RE: Cold Michigan

Very true it was single digits yesterday. At least the sun is out more and the days are longer. But I wish it would warm up.

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RE: Cold Michigan

Watching it snow right now. Going nuts waiting for some bare weather!

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RE: Cold Michigan

Up here in Oscoda along Lake Huron it's in the minus double digits but the Au Sable River isn't frozen over yet lol

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RE: Cold Michigan

Relief is on the way. It's finally warming up here and I can even see areas on the lakes where the ice is beginning to melt. Temps to reach the mid fifties this week along with some rain.
On the negative side, my basement which was finally drying out is starting to get wet again. Rats! This is my little workshop where I can build my planes (RC) and store all the supplies, parts and extra balsa, light ply and everything else. Oh well, time to ramp up the wet/dry vac and start again.

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