RE:Emergency Plan

I have a fleece bathrobe hanging next to clothes that I might wear the next day. More for thermal protection than modesty.
As far as a medical emergency, I have noticed that the first thing Paramedics often do is cut off your clothes anyhow, so why worry?
If I am driving naked, I have a sarong handy to throw across my lap. More than once I have forgotten it until the cooler air outside blows over my skin! Oops, quick grab.
And of course, I keep a "Bug Out" bag by the front door for real emergencies. Complete with warm clothes, food, water, firearms.

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RE:Emergency Plan

In an emergency nobody will care what you are wearing, or not wearing. The important thing is to get to safety or to deal with the emergency if you can. As said above the first thing the medicks do in a hospital Accident and Emergency department it to strip any clothes off the casualty for a thorough examination

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RE:Emergency Plan

I keep shorts by the front door, but no real emergency plan. One time at a pagan convention the fire alarm went off in the hotel. I figured we were all of a like mind, so I went out in the hallway nude to see what was happening. Seems everyone else had popped out to check the commotion too, but I was the only one nude. Nobody had a problem with it and some even said it didn't surprise them.

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RE:Emergency Plan

Does anyone else have a plan for if they are nude an have an emergency? Such as a fire for example?I always keep a pair of basketball shorts by the bed just in case I need to get up and out in a hurry. Now that its winter I keep a heavy sweatsuit by the bed. I also keep a pair in the living room in case someone comes to the door.

I have none. IF there is any sort of emergency safety should take a higher priority over clothing.

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