RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I live in the US, where public nudity is generally illegal and I drive a convertible, so I leave my shorts on.However, i always drive shirtless in warm weather.I do get some strange looks and even an occasional rude comment shouted in my direction, but I don't care!I do believe that the world is becoming less and less tolerant. There seems to be an army of permanently annoyed people looking for something to be annoyed or upset about.Then there are their reserved troops who are constantly offended looking for something to offended at or being offended on behalf of others - think of the children.
Yes, think of the children. Don't you want them to grow up to be tolerant and live in a free society?

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I personally havent done this, but I have an interesting story to share. in August of this year (2019) I was attending a late-night Meetup group around 72nd street and Broadway (in NYC). I bought a couple of items in a drugstore, then left for the subway. I saw a man bump into an older couple on the street, as he was moving very quickly down the street. The couple was clearly annoyed by this. I quickly realized that the man in question was stark naked. Not even any footwear - he was totally starkers! The couple seemed stunned, as they watched this naked man move down the street. He seemed agitated, and maybe mentally ill or high on something. I saw a woman calling 911 on her mobile phone, and I have to assume she told the cops "That guys' nuts - grab 'im!" lol

I followed the news media the next day, to see if there were any reports of a naked man being arrested that night. I saw nothing. There is an old saying - "There are 8 million stories in the naked city..." and this is mine.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I wear a thong on the beaches in Galveston, TX quite often. People come up and start normal conversations and had some folks parked next to me invite me to join them as I was just sitting alone.
In the morning on weekdays I shed the thong and cover up when people get close.

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

I have walked around my neighborhood a few times completely nude. Its a great feeling! Ive only been caught once by a female neighbor.

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RE: Nude night walk around neighborhood

I know what you mean. Many years back I was in P-Town MA and decided to go to the beach at like 2AM. At the trail to the beach, off the road, I stopped and stripped off my shorts and shirt and took just my room key with me. I left my clothes on the fence out in the open. I'd done this before a few times in the hope that someone would take them. When I got back from my hike I'd finally gotten my wish. As they say - be careful what you wish for. I now faced the prospect of walking back to my Inn stark naked. I wasn't too worred as it was Provincetown and now about 3AM. The first part of the trip was easy enough as it's a deserted beach road. I got more nervous when I hit the main road. There was no one out that I could see. Traffic was light enough that I could duck behind a car or bush before the car saw me. I felt very naked but I was VERY excited :) I was almost back to the Inn. I turned the corner and saw a man coming my way - only a few feet ahead. There was no time to hide so I just walked right by. He said "Hey" with a big smile. I said "Hey" and we kept walking. I got to the Inn and had to walk through the very small lobby. Two guys were up talking. I said hello as I walked by. They whistled and laughed. I found out later that my friend had followed me to the beach and took my clothes. It was a really scary but exciting experience. And the casual reactions were pretty funny!

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

Last night was 'mischief night'. Cool drizzly misty night, took my dog for his usual late night walk. My mischief was being bottomless on the darker roadways around my neighborhood! Felt wonderful with the cool tingly sensations of the misty drops in the air!

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

Was out this morning it was 4 am and 48 degs kind of nice I ended up walking down my street it was fun way to start the day

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RE: Nude night walk around neighborhood

Such a great experience of feeling refreshed to walk around public streets,especially when the weather is nice its glorious. Usually about 5am I go for a nude stroll from my front door and walk for about 1.5 miles and then either lay on the grass or just wander about. Great feeling and no sense of a prude bumping into you,because at the end of the day we all share the same world..we was nude before clothing was invented from the chinese. We are very respectful people,and it amazes me how they can produce kids or keep clean,because they have to get nude .I guess they would feel disgusted with themselves and a sense of bad insecurity...Lets all of us run nude in the street in our armys,and push the boundaries open more,because thats the way forward....AC

love your attitude Leah

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

Done this loads of times - mainly in the summer but other times of the year too

I've yet to leave the house naked and walk as I normally leave clothed and undress along the way. Problem is security cameras these days. I have a couple as well but I now have to plan my route during the day to make sure I don't trip any.

It's great to be able to look out the window and say 'I was naked there, and there, and there !!'

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RE:Nude night walk around neighborhood

It was a lovely moonlight night and not too cold last night. At around 3am I decided to celebrate VE+75 day in my own way. I walked naked around a fav village walk during this lock down period. It was an invigorating half hour's ( maybe 2 mile) hike.

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