Styles and Peru Peak Trip Report

There were 9 of us that gathered at the trail head parking lot for the hike at 9:00 am. Skies were sunny, but the temp was 54 degrees with a strong west wind. Despite the cold, we donned our hiking attire and began the adventure. We reached Styles peak where there was an awesome vista facing the east. This allowed us to scramble down some rocks and bask in the abundant sunshine while being sheltered from the wind. After warming up, we continued the hike and reached Peru Peak, but the wind was still brisk so we continued to the valley floor where we reached Peru shelter. The wind had subsided and there was a large platform where we were able to stretch out iin the sunshine and enjoy lunch. After lunch, we hiked half a mile to Griffith Lake . By that time, the wind was gone, temps were in the 70's, so it was perfect for a swim in the lake. After a short swim, we continued the remaining 2.5 miles and reached the trail head. Was another great hike with a great group!

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RE:Styles and Peru Peak Trip Report

Sounds like a great time with a good-sized group. Congratulations on a successful hike. We need more of these.

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RE:Styles and Peru Peak Trip Report

Sorry, I missed this one, and up to join another this month.

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RE:Styles and Peru Peak Trip Report

VT never lets us down! Glad to see that all worked out well. Jim

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