Whatever your views remember to vote on Thursday. It's the biggest decision we've been asked to make for decades. BTW I'm voting Remain (in the EU)Now that It's Brexit today 24th June.....I hope that we in the UK have got it right.

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Whatever your views remember to vote on Thursday. It's the biggest decision we've been asked to make for decades. BTW I'm voting Remain (in the EU)Now that It's Brexit today 24th June.....I hope that we in the UK have got it right.
So 24th June from now on wards should be called Independence day and be a bank holiday.

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Maybe he means Independence Day in Scotland. Or Northern Ireland (though Unification and More Toubles Day would be better for them). Or maybe London.

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You're right. It all seems to have gone smoothly. The pound's
soaring, nearly back to where it was when we joined the EU I
believe. Stocks and shares are doing fine: lots of other countries
shares dived more than ours on Friday, so that gives us a bit of an
edge. Our credit rating has only gone done a bit so the interest we
pay on our debt won't be too much more, saves wasting it on the NHS
or other public services. New jobs have been created in the
Northern Ireland passport office for people trying to move to Eire:
that should get the population down a bit too I guess. The
referendum's been such fun Scotland's going to have another one up
there. It's brought people together, the political parties, the
different generations, the different parts of the country. And
Zimbabwe has said it wants to do more trade with us so that should
offset any we lose fromthe EU and the other countries around the
world whose stock markets dived yesterday and won't therefore have
so much money to do business with us. And we could have Boris as
our PM soon, he's always good for a laugh. Everyone seems happy,
calm, relaxed. I don't know what all the fuss was about from all
those experts. At least we know who all the twits are now.

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I don't think that the stay camp have been very true full as well as they have been trying to scare people into staying with rubbish and if is a vote to stay in it will be only a few years before it all goes put as other countries vote to get out.So I am voting out.So the country voted to leave andall those scary things have happened with a vengeance. Why didn't people believe the truth just because it was/is scary. Let's hope they are short-lived.

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If the vote is leave I hope we get another referendum - leave or stay in UKThat does appear to be what the Scots and the Northern Irish are asking for.

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