Movie Night

Is there any interest in a nude movie night? NO, not nude movies! LOL But a night to hang out with other nudist while taking in a movie at my place. I have quite an extensive movie collection but encourage people to bring suggestions.
I recently relocated from NYC to Austin so I'm still trying to meet locals and nudists. Any interest? I'll make it happen!

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RE: Movie Night


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RE: Movie Night

Yes!Lovely! I'll keep you in mind. At some point I'll need your email address so I can put together a proper invite.

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RE: Movie Night

Wow, such little interest in the Austin area. I'm still interested in hosting but there needs to be interest first.

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RE: Movie Night

Yikes. I'm moving to Florida in 2 weeks so that will bring the count down to zero. Sorry, man.

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RE: Movie Night

Just now seeing your post. How's Florida treating you?

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RE:Movie Night

It's how I prefer watching movies at home. Why not watch it that way with others?

Lovely! I'll be sure to send you a message once I have a date set.

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RE:Movie Night

Just seeing this. Did this idea ever get off the ground? Looking for things to do like this and not having much luck finding things.

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RE: Movie Night

I would love to if this is still a thing

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RE: Movie Night

Well, I usually receive VERY little interest. Not sure why it's so tough to get nudists together for a gathering. When I lived in the Dallas area, it seemed fairly easy. Or is that because I was younger then? LOL

So yes, this is still "a thing" or more of an interest of mine. I love hosting movie and/or game nights in the nude (non-sexual, of course). Let me know if you'd like to get this going sometime. I'm in Kyle, if that's not too far.

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