Going to throw this out there.

Sometimes, you just don't know how others feel, or what's acceptable; Hard topic to approach because we're afraid of how the impression will be perceived. But we're adults and not talking to our parents about this, we're talking to other couples from a variety of different backgrounds. So, here goes, how is your behavior/boundaries, with other nude couples (friends), the same or different when in a social setting (i.e. club, camp, gathering) vs a private (i.e. home, party) type setting?

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RE: Going to throw this out there.

Our boundries never change, we act the same with large or small groups of nudists, we are not swingers, nor are we interested in anything but enjoying friendship and sunshine with our friends

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RE: Going to throw this out there.

Our boundries never change, we act the same with large or small groups of nudists, we are not swingers, nor are we interested in anything but enjoying friendship and sunshine with our friends

We are the same here. We enjoy nudity and have a few select friends that we hang out with (pun intended lol). We don't swing we just love the freedom of being naked..

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RE: Going to throw this out there.

I'd say it's the same. In a social setting such as the club, a resort, the beach ... we behave the same as we do in a more intimate setting such as each others home, more intimate gatherings or shared hotel rooms ... we don't get anymore friendly/intimate with our nudist friends or our closest friends that are also nudists. Hugs, pecks on the cheek, even a pat on the butt as if to say ... "move along or scoot up". Our closest nudist friends, he is always swatting me on the ass, like a sports swat. But we are all pretty G rated.

Boundaries; no lip kissing, cheeks only. Hugs are acceptable, enjoyed and shared. No butt pats, rubs, touching. No touching of the breasts and though we don't do the A frame hug, we don't mash our pubic areas into one another. But ... when we hug, at the airport and in clothes, there is always a "proper hug" after we get to where we are going and are naked. Funny how that became a mandatory event with all of us. Sharing a hotel room; depends on the couple. Currently only with one couple are we both comfortable with this situation. They are coming to visit and stay for several days in two weeks!

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RE: Going to throw this out there.

We act the same with or without clothing, same people, just different attire or lack of


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RE:Going to throw this out there.

As others have stated we are same cloth/nude! Is easier to accommodate nudes and more relaxed. Glad to see all friends and have enjoyed times with all. From nature walks to bbq and pitching horseshoes.

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