Join me for nude Kettle Bells class in NYC

I just uploaded a video of me doing kettle bells. I just started going to a nude kettle bells exercise class in NYC. I'm looking for male friends to JOIN ME. The class meets every Wednesday, 7:45-8:30PM. Send me a message!

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RE:Join me for nude Kettle Bells class in NYC

I made another video last night. In this one, I'm doing a kettle bell lift. There were 6 guys at the class, including the hot teacher Aaron. Join me!

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RE:Join me for nude Kettle Bells class in NYC

I was there and I second that Aaron is hot. I'm torn between being happy I went and being in pain because it was a real exercise class and so my muscles hurt. If I recover in time I will be back next week. If not, I'll be back the week following. Good location, good vibe. In addition to being hot Aaron is actually a good trainer. He talked and joked enough to be fun, not too much. He set the effort level to the point where I got a good workout without injury (I'm 45, lack of injury is no longer a given), I felt like and I mostly kept up.

Full disclosure: Kettle bells is only part of it. Much of the workout uses the body itself, plus gravity. There's some good core work.

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RE:Join me for nude Kettle Bells class in NYC

I was there and I second that Aaron is hot. I'm torn between being happy I went and being in pain because it was a real exercise class and so my muscles hurt. If I recover in time I will be back next week. If not, I'll be back the week following. Good location, good vibe. In addition to being hot Aaron is actually a good trainer. He talked and joked enough to be fun, not too much. He set the effort level to the point where I got a good workout without injury (I'm 45, lack of injury is no longer a given), I felt like and I mostly kept up.Full disclosure: Kettle bells is only part of it. Much of the workout uses the body itself, plus gravity. There's some good core work.

I'm so glad you and one other TN from NYC came to class last week! Personally, I wish we used the kettle bells more in the class, but maybe that would be too much on our bodies. I can see and feel my improvement each week.

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