RE:Trump Jokes

I think this thread should contain jokes, not political dissent. That said, I have not really heard any good Trump jokes. That is why I looked here.

I started this thread with a Trump joke. The thread was hijacked by Trump Lovers.

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RE:Trump Jokes

What does Donald Trump say when he can't find his Viagra?
"The erection is rigged!"

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RE:Trump Jokes

Obama made history by becoming the first black president. They say once you go black you never go back. I guess since orange is the new black, it only makes sense Trump gets his shot. (This is not meant to be racist).

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RE:Trump Jokes

It is also not Trump Joke.

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RE:Trump Jokes

The best Trump joke? Two words..... Donald Trump

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RE:Trump Jokes

Let it never be said President Trump isn't hard on crime. When he discovered Miss World contestants were secretly running a drug cartel he sprung into action and seized their assess.

Speaking as a non-American, I'd like to say that Trump does come across as a politician - he lies just as often - the difference though is that your standard politician is actually good at lying while Trump denies things that are on his own twitter feed.
And I'm not going to defend Clinton by the way; she would have been aweful too. I just think it's sad that people defend Trump by attacking Hillary. Trump an Orwellian nightmare on stupid, Clinton is everything wrong with what was up until recently standard American politics. Both your choices were crap; you were screwed either way.

PS. Just to denounce this myth before it starts ('cos I've heard it from a few Trump supporters now), Europeans don't get exposed to more CNN/NBC than Fox. We have our own news broadcasters and our exposure to US news coverage largely is via the internet where get what we look for. We are not being biased by your liberal media, we're just far away enough to say, "Jesus, look at that mess." I'm sure the same is true for you with regards to Europe.

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RE:Trump Jokes

Breaking News: Donald Trump to give firemen tips on rescuing cats.

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RE:Trump Jokes

Breaking News: Donald Trump announces title of new business book, 'Rich dad, My Dad'.

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RE:Trump Jokes

There once was a wordsmith named Trump,
Who claimed to have coined prime the pump,
A phrase that pre-dates
Donalds birth. Sorry mates,
But his brain remains lodged in his rump.

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RE:Trump Jokes

I think when you create a thread called "Trump jokes" you will automatically get negativity towards him which will bring out supporters.

I was not an original supporter but have been since he won the nomination to run. He has nothing vested other than to make America great again because his (and our) future after the presidency depends on it. He's a business man and an American. The success of the American people is his success.

Think about it. He's been talking about running for president since the 1980's. You'll find him on shows like Oprah and the Today show (liberal) with interviewers asking him when he will run. So why now? He's been a successful businessman for so long why take a cut in pay. There's an obvious reason I'm not about to get into on this site.

Stay naked my friends.

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