Trip to OLT......July, 2017

I am making my annual trip to OLT this year arriving Tues, July 11 and leaving on Sunday, July 16. I have vehicle site J for my pop up camper. Feel free to drop in and say Hi if any of you might be visiting the same time.

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RE:Trip to OLT......July, 2017

You always go a month before me. I will be there 4 - 13 Aug. Gives the bats plenty of time to knock down the skeeter population :) . If anyone is there the same timeframe, I will be in site "S" by the main pavilion. Word of warning, the nights of the 4th and 5th will most likely be loud and obnoxious. It is Member Appreciation weekend, and there will be bands in the main pavillion playing until at least 1AM both nights. The quotas are lifted for day users ( I assume for donors only, but maybe for everyone), so it will be crowded. After Sunday afternoon, it will be it's usual atmosphere.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Trip to OLT......July, 2017

Due to the less than desirable weather forecast and the issues VVHS is having with their water supply, I have cancelled my trip this year. Hopefully see you all next year. Ollie, let me know what next years schedule is for you, and I will try to coordinate.

John aka cobeachbum

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