Best Sunscreen I've tried. How about you?

As naturists, sunscreen is an important consideration, and although I found one I like, I thought there might be other peopel who foudn soem good stuff too. So, as this site is about sharing information and helping other naturists/nudists out, I thought I'd put my recommendation out there and see if other people had recommendations too.

I use the Nutrogena waterproofsun screen in the tube. Generally, if I plan to spend a day int he sun, I put it on right after my mornign shower, ti takes a couple minutes to dry completely, and tht is it. I have spent up to 8 hours in the sun going in and out of the water without ever having to reapply it even when sweating a great deal, and as logn as I put it on, I have yet to ever get gurned (usign an SPF of 45). Don't bother with the spay on version, because they use alcohol to help it spay and that makes it somwhat water soluable and less waterproof, and you will have to reapply any spray version of a sun screen. The tubes are small and on the expensive side, but worth it. I reduce costs by watchign for sales and stockign up, and when i can't find it on sale, I buy it off Anazon, which sometimes has a better price than any sale anyway.

I will start to feel warm when in the sun a logn time, which is why I go in and out of hte water,, but the warmness has never been aprecursursor to a sun burn.

I was very cautious at first, using and spf of 80 on my genitals, to be extra sfe, but ran out of the 80 and used the 45 everywhere and had no problems. I tend to prefer to put sunscreen on before leaving the house, mostly because beign a guy, when puttign sunscreen onto my genital area, I dont' want peopel to get the wrong idea about what I am doing.. I hve had no probleams with putting sunscreen on, gettign dressed, goign the a nude place and getting undressed again. It dries in two minutes and stays on until you wash it off with soap. It isn't freasy and doesn't wipe off on your clothes, if you put it on before leavign the house.

You do still get a nice tan. I thought when they said a sun screen blocks the burnign rays but lets the tanning rays through, that it ws just hupe until I tried the Nutrogena sunscreen.

I have put it on, rode my bike to the nude beach (clothed while riding), which is 15 miles one way, stripped down and even sweating on the ride into my clothes I did n't have to reapply the sunscreen.

So, I think a sun screen you only have to apply once and then forget about for the rest of the day is worth paying extra for. Some things are actually worth paying more for. Good towels, good sheets and good sunscreen.

Now, I am frugal by nature and payign os much for sun screen would never have occurred to me as beign worth it. However, I had a friend who bought a house in Palm Springs and summer temperatures there can get up to around 120F. I forgot to brigng sunscreenthe first weekend trip we took, so my friend lent he his. I expected to get burned anyway, but it didn't happen. By the end of hte weekend, I was sold and have been using it ever since.

I was so sold that I later sent a letter to AANR telling them they shoudl work out a deal with Nutrogena to make it th eofficial sunscreen ofhte organization. nothign cam eof it, but I think it would be good publicity for both.

Anyway, that is my sun screen recommendation. Does anyone else have one?

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