New Group.

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know I have just started a newgroup for True Nudist / Naturists who reside in the South East of the UK, to enable them to more easily find friends locally.

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RE: Another New Group.

At last, a group for those worried about their children

Greener Nudists

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RE: Another New Group.

Two more new groups.

Atheists / Agnostics Retreat

Vegetarians, Vegans And Wanabees :)

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RE: Another New Group.

Just created another one.

EDIT: 27/07/10.

The group was for all those who have suvived a heart attack or cardiac arrest.

Group closed re lack of interest.

You can still read my story here:

This might just save YOUR life.

EVERYONE, would be well advised to read it.


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RE: Another New Group.

Just createdtwo new groups.
Pussy Cat Appreciation Society./font

Computer Club.

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RE: New Group

Hey Paul, ya I would be interested.... I love messing with peoples heads..... Especially my own !!!!! LOL


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RE: Another New Group.

Just created another one. :) The Come Back Club.

Hey Phil.... Does brain dead count???? I have been told that many times.... LOL


This post was edited
RE: Another New Group.

Just created another one. :) The Come Back Club.

Hey Phil.... Does brain dead count???? I have been told that many times.... LOL

hehe, I think you'd have to be really, really, reeeeally lucky, to come back from that, but yes it would qualify. I can't believe that out of 5k, I'm the only one! I think people just don't want to think about it.

I just want everyone to read my story, so many people die NEEDLESSLY. It's just amazing what modern medicine can do these days, but a simple decision to wait a bit longer to see if it gets better, can cost you your life! If you get treatment within twenty minutes, you not only survive, you can get away with little on no damage to the heart muscle and drastically reduce the recovery time.


This post was edited
RE: Another New Group.

Just created another one. :) The Come Back Club.

Hey Phil.... Does brain dead count???? I have been told that many times.... LOL

hehe, I think you'd have to be really, really, reeeeally lucky, to come back from that, but yes it would qualify. I can't believe that out of 5k, I'm the only one! I think people just don't want to think about it.

I just want everyone to read my story, so many people die NEEDLESSLY. It's just amazing what modern medicine can do these days, but a simple decision to wait a bit longer to see if it gets better, can cost you your life! If you get treatment within twenty minutes, you not only survive, you can get away with little on no damage to the heart muscle and drastically reduce the recovery time.


Honestly Phil, I believe that you are right. Having had a heart attack back back in 95, it's not something that I like to think about. While I never "died", so I didn't share the same experience that you have, it's still pretty scary....


This post was edited
RE: Another New Group.

Just created another one. :) The Come Back Club.

Hey Phil.... Does brain dead count???? I have been told that many times.... LOL

hehe, I think you'd have to be really, really, reeeeally lucky, to come back from that, but yes it would qualify. I can't believe that out of 5k, I'm the only one! I think people just don't want to think about it.

I just want everyone to read my story, so many people die NEEDLESSLY. It's just amazing what modern medicine can do these days, but a simple decision to wait a bit longer to see if it gets better, can cost you your life! If you get treatment within twenty minutes, you not only survive, you can get away with little on no damage to the heart muscle and drastically reduce the recovery time.


Honestly Phil, I believe that you are right. Having had a heart attack back back in 95, it's not something that I like to think about. While I never "died", so I didn't share the same experience that you have, it's still pretty scary....

I think it's more scary afterwards, It takes a while to sink in. I don't think I ever thought I was not going to come out of it. There's not really much time to think, It's so surreal, you just can't believe it's happening to you. Especially when your lying there looking at your own heart on the monitor, and the guy is saying "here's the problem, so we're going to put a stent in there", that WAS weird. (stent = a tiny little expandable gauze tube that stops the artery from collapsing)

This post was edited
RE: Another New Group.

Just created another one. :) The Come Back Club.

Hey Phil.... Does brain dead count???? I have been told that many times.... LOL

hehe, I think you'd have to be really, really, reeeeally lucky, to come back from that, but yes it would qualify. I can't believe that out of 5k, I'm the only one! I think people just don't want to think about it.

I just want everyone to read my story, so many people die NEEDLESSLY. It's just amazing what modern medicine can do these days, but a simple decision to wait a bit longer to see if it gets better, can cost you your life! If you get treatment within twenty minutes, you not only survive, you can get away with little on no damage to the heart muscle and drastically reduce the recovery time.


Honestly Phil, I believe that you are right. Having had a heart attack back back in 95, it's not something that I like to think about. While I never "died", so I didn't share the same experience that you have, it's still pretty scary....

I think it's more scary afterwards, It takes a while to sink in. I don't think I ever thought I was not going to come out of it. There's not really much time to think, It's so surreal, you just can't believe it's happening to you. Especially when your lying there looking at your own heart on the monitor, and the guy is saying "here's the problem, so we're going to put a stent in there", that WAS weird. (stent = a tiny little expandable gauze tube that stops the artery from collapsing)

That would be one heck of an experience. One I don't think I want to have..... I do understand though why you would want to talk to others that have had the same experience... Maybe help to understand to share????


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