Image description/appropriate caption in the "Mediagallery": username and comment

Any photo published by you must be commented upon acceptance by the moderator (caption). Namely with username and short commentary to the photo.

You can see the comment, when you cross over the photo in the "Media-gallery" with the mouse.

Look at the photo.


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RE:Image description/appropriate caption in the "Mediagallery": username and comment

The newest photos have no "image description" till now. Could the owners change this, please?


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RE:Image description/appropriate caption in the "Mediagallery": username and comment

Two photos have no appropiate caption (the photo with the maschine and the photo with the Christmas tree).

Please write the description


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RE:Image description/appropriate caption in the "Mediagallery": username and comment

Very good

All photos have usernames.

Thanks to all

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