Nude Superbowl Party

Is anyone else having one or going to one? We are having one with about 6 other couples, going to make some wings and dips, drink a few and watch the game, To be honest I really don't care about football anymore but its always fun to be able to have a naked party,


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RE:Nude Superbowl Party

We host a Super Bowl party each year for our local naturist group, usually 40-50 people attend. Despite being in SW Florida, February temps can be a 'coin toss'. Two years ago, all 44 guests were crammed into our living room watching the one got undressed, as game time temp was 44F...this past February, half of our guests watched the 1st half from in our pool! We prepare the main dish, usually pulled pork sandwiches, and guests bring either appetizers or side dish to share.

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RE:Nude Superbowl Party

A nude Superbowl party sounds like lots of fun! There aren't many things better than nudity and football.

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