Couples Naked Twister

Years ago back in our college days hubby, myself and our best man and his wife played naked twister. We started by playing with our mate then we switched mates and the fun really began. Our best man was all over me and we ended up with our arms and legs intertwined together. The same thing happened to hubby and his wife. it was really fun watching as the guys were so much into rubbing certain areas of our bodies. All during the game they were really excited!!!!!! We are thinking about getting the mat out at our next naked party! Beth (o)(o)

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RE:Couples Naked Twister

Ah yes...Naked Twister. Almost forgot about that one. Great way to get to know your playing partners. LOL

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RE:Couples Naked Twister

Oh yes it is a real great way to get to know your new playing partner........Let the naked fun begin! Beth (o)(o)

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