Recent Nude Activity, post yours

After a hike yesterday in central MA I went skinny dipping. A place recently scoped out.

While removing my boots a big friendly golden retriever drops in. Is the owner male or female was my first thought. If female I'll swim with hiking shorts on so not to freak her out or I'll ask her about skinny dipping.

Easier, a guy walks over and I asked if anyone skinny dipped here and sure enough they do. He being one of them. He choose to chat while I stripped and swam. I suspect he is a shy nudists.

It isn't to active weekdays given the location. So a weekday hike in the area affords a nice fun swim afterwards.

I am always looking for weekday and weekend hiking nudist friends as well as skinny dipping friends.

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RE:Recent Nude Activity, post yours

Glad you found a new spot. Did the man with the dog eventually join you for a dip? Did you hike out naked or put clothes (ick) back on?

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RE:Recent Nude Activity, post yours

My most recent nude outing was Dorset Peak in south central Vermont. From the village of Dorset, there is a road that leads up the hollow to a place to park and start the hike. It is quite steep on the ascent until you reach a ridge line. The trail is obvious - just keep going up. Once on the ridge, tuen right and ascend gradually until there is a signed trail to teh right that ascends steeply. Continue up this trail until you reach a junction where the main peak is to the left another couple tenths of a mile. The old firetower location is to the right.

My hike was mostly nude but I slipped on shorts when people were approaching, in order to avoid offense. The only people I saw on that sunny Saturday were two male-female couples (one pair that passed me on the way up and who I saw at the top, one pair descending as I ascended) and three guys hiking together. Solo, male, nude hikers are often met with wariness at best and I simply wanted to avoid any potential conflict posed by presenting them with a nudist. I suspect that they all knew - by the loose shorts that I wore along with nothing else but my boots and pack - that I was a nude hiker when not meeting people. This would be a good, though fairly strenuous, nudist group hike.

On the way back, I stopped in Newfane, VT for a dip in Rock River.

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RE:Recent Nude Activity, post yours

No he didn't join in. WE talked for like 20 minutes while his dog cooled off in the water then he departed.

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RE:Recent Nude Activity, post yours

I have arranged my patio furniture to provide a small private space. Unfortunately it's exposure to sun is limited to a short period during the late morning. If it's cloudy on the weekend, I'm out of luck. Otherwise it's a 2+ hour drive to an unofficial nude beach.

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