waxing Balls

Has anyone ever get their balls waxed??

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RE:waxing Balls

Yep, and love it. Lasts about 4 weeks. With each appointment, it gets easier as the hair grows back much thinner over time. I have everything waxed for that smooth feeling.

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RE:waxing Balls

I've had everything below the waist waxed, both front and backside. Not that uncomfortable if you have a good waxer. They know the best way to apply and remove the wax. Removal is based upon how the hair grows. Enjoy the ball, sac, crack, and any other removal you wish to have done.

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RE:waxing Balls

Agree with what the others have said, but also it depends on the wax they use. Hard wax on the scrotum is better than the soft stuff you use with the strips

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RE:waxing Balls

I love the feeling of getting waxed. It's a sensual feeling of warm wax and then a quick sting of pain. Not that bad at all. I have gotten everything from my penis to my feet waxed. I'm naturally smooth on my upper half.

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RE:waxing Balls

For several years I had a monthly full body wax during the summer. It ended with the waxing of my back (bum) and crack followed by the intimate waxing. To wax my crack got me on all fours. She spread the hot wax from the base of my scrotum, up the back of the scrotum, across the perineum and up the crack. Once the wax was set the grasped my scrotum with one hand while using the other hand to pull off the wax strip with one swift movement.

I then lay on my back with legs splayed for the intimate waxing. She worked carefully all around my scrotum and shaft, inner thighs and pubic area. Once the waxing was done she examined each part minutely, pulling out any remaining hairs with tweezers. My scrotal and pubic piercings did set her a challenge. She worked round them expertly and said she enjoyed the challenge. I think she liked her work.

I did realise that it was expensive - a year's waxings costing about as much as a holiday in the sun. This year I use chemical treatment (Veet, Nair...) bought from the chemist.

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RE:waxing Balls

I have been getting my back, shoulders waxed for almost 20 years. Even though my esthetician is meticulous and uses different kinds of waxes, I prefer to trim my bum, legs and bush, chest and pits with beard clippers, and I shave my shaft, and balls with a razor, when I shave my face, usually 3 times a week.

I did try shaving my parts, and loved the feeling, but had ingrown hairs, which were painful and red.

My bf likes my hair though... so I cannot wax it all off lol

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RE:waxing Balls

I've no idea what colour my pubic hair would be. I've removed it for so many years My beard and hair used to be dark, now they are gray/white.

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RE:waxing Balls


Now that sounds rough! I tried "above the line" once - that was tough enough!

God bless you fellas with "uber-tough ones!"

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RE:waxing Balls

I agree with nkdrnr0610 ! My hats off to you guys that can have your balls waxed! I shave my shaft and balls every other day. It would be great to be able to have several weeks in between like you get with waxing. Maybe one of these days I'll get up the nerve! lol Our barber here in Phoenix does manscaping too, shaving waxing etc... maybe I'll have him try waxing a portion instead of shaving me... OUCH

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RE:waxing Balls with piercings

My wonderful waxing gal now of 3 years does my butt, crack and balls all on same visit. I have many genital piercings and they don't phase her-- She works with hard wax around them and manages to do a great job. It is very relaxing to me, almost like a spa treatment and she is a great conversationalist. The time flies and I love my look and feeling... Highly recommend it.

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