What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

For most of us a Naked Dare has a titillation that can arguably be described as sexual. There's an excitement being naked where it's forbidden. The idea that someone will stumble upon us unexpectedly in a Public or Semi-Public place-- not wearing anything--can be a real turn-on. I have a Psychiatrist friend who described why naked dares can be so exciting.

For those of us raised in non-nudist environments, anything having to do with nakedness is forbidden, never mentioned. However, during Puberty kids become aware of nakedness, their bodies and sexuality. With hormones throbbing, pubescent youth, especially boys, will explore, often by getting naked or jacking off at home or else in a secluded outdoor location, experimenting sexually with friends. There's a natural curiosity: these are, for most, our FIRST sexual experience. We recall them fondly, too. The "sexual excitement" remains clear in our memory, but fear of "getting caught" and "forbidden" somehow recede into the background. However, all three become intertwined as one collective experience buried deep in our psyche, where they remain untapped and lie dormant, usually for years.

As most of us mature we go thru different phases: ways to identify our sexuality and orientation, eventually finding a partner or otherwise settling into a lifestyle where we find contentment. At some point though, boredom might set in, life becomes routine. We recall the excitement from our youth, when life was uncomplicated. Sex alone or masturbation doesn't satisfy, it needs embellishment with fear of getting caught to make it truly exciting. In naked dares that is fulfilled.

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

a remarkable insight into the subject.
fascinating and informative and very well written

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

I've heard the same theory about falling in love. The first time you fall in love is so intense because it's all new to you. Plus, your hormones are raging the most when you're young. That's why you never forget your first love, and your first heartbreak always hurts the most.

It's the same with your first sexual experience. Even if it isn't sex itself, that fear & excitement of something new coupled with raging hormones of youth make it all an unforgettable experience that we long to harken back to.

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

I think you are right in linking sex and forbidden nudity through puberty. It was true in my case.

But now I have absolutely no link between a naked dare (or naughty nudity) and sex. I so much enjoy being naked that I look for opportunities wherever I can find them. As an exhibitionist I love showing my nude body. Sometimes, maybe quite often, it is in places where I should be clothed. Sometimes I'll do a dare just for the photograph and so I can say I've done it. There maybe an adrenalin rush at the prospect of being caught. But mostly it's just a couldn't care less approach - enjoying being my natural, naked self. I drive and hike a lot in the nude, clearly outside CO areas. But my real dares are in town centres and tourist attractions very early in the morning. Ah, I nearly forgot, I must put the bin out on the street.

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

Very interesting topic. Great explanation of risk vs reward.

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

Wow! Thank You for explaining this! I have always wondered why so many of us men--regardless of sexual orientation--are so naturally drawn to being exhibitionists! This helps a lot!

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

Wow. Bold what you're doing in your photo! I'm pretty sure those employees saw everything. Couldn't get away with that in the US. People would totally freak out and call the cops.

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

. . . . As I've gotten older, I've found myself always aware that I have a nice cock hidden beneath a thin layer of cloth. Having a dick leads to so many possibilities for fun mischief in public. It's fun seeing who pays attention to my bulge, too. Do others have similar games they play for fun?

I can really identify with that, Ray. At times when I'm in front of a group, in a lecture situation or making a presentation, I've become keenly aware that there's just a layer of fabric separating my cock from viewing by my audience. My mind sometimes wanders, too, trying to imagine who in the group may be fantasizing about what I look like underneath my clothes. It'd be so neat if we could read others' minds, know what they're thinking. I'd be happy to strip and continue giving my presentation naked--would keep the audience from nodding off, make it more interesting and fun for all of us!!

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RE:What Makes a Naked Dare So Exciting?

Well, for starters, having someone willing to partake in the challenge would be great!!!

But NO one!!!!! Ever wants to take the challenge!!

It REALLY sucks!!

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