Any hiking friends in Alabama?

I am in northeast Alabama and looking for friends that enjoy hiking. I have been on a couple hikes that I was able to go naked on. Would love to do an overnight trip too. Let me know if there is anyone interested.

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RE:Any hiking friends in Alabama?

Okay, this is the 3rd? reply in this thread about Alabama. It is now January and I am looking for hiking, backpacking, camping, kayaking, nudist friends. PLease read my profile as I go hiking nude even in the cooler temps, 55+.

Is this group for real or are we just going to sit behind a keyboard and pose and talk?

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RE:Any hiking friends in Alabama?

Do we have tentative dates for nude hiking along the AT? Need to get vacation days reserved...

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RE:Any hiking friends in Alabama?

Do we have tentative dates for nude hiking along the AT? Need to get vacation days reserved...

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RE:Any hiking friends in Alabama?

I'm in TN north of Chattanooga a good hour. And really love getting out in the woods void fabric. But do it primarily at home since I have land to work on, and lots of woods beyond to wander when i feel like wandering. I also have cut off my good income, since the process of making it was not a desirable way to live, and aiming to go full time naturist agriculture for my own health benefit, mostly permaculture since I have very little row crop suitable land. Just enough level for some good sized gardens. Otherwise perennial plantings will be the thing. Fruiting trees and bushes. So I live dirt cheap and have very little extra resource to go anywhere, much as I'd like to get out and go places and meet people. And trying to keep my old cheap vehicles in condition for longer trips can be a challenge. Have to have 4x4 for practical reasons around home, mountainside woods roads and serious mud. Steering gear is going bad on my old subaru wagon, the isuzu pickup I put a small diesel in has some issues that would need attention, but it works find around home, been moving firewood with it. The pathfinder I fixed up is good but my brother can't find the title he supposedly got when he bought it, so we cant get it registered, and it's mpg isn't the greatest for road trips anyway. So I'm just using it off road to get around the land. The one ton chevy I rebuilt is a good road truck but costs way too much to drive, so it's only for heavy loads when needed. The isuzu is the best potentially but it's engine is an old 1.8 chevette diesel, I need to pull it back out and replace all the seals, then custom install a turbo to boost the power so it won't be so sluggish on the hills. They put 2.2 L in the pickups when they were doing it. Busy working on the house, and then making biochar and spring planting, won't have time to fool with vehicles for a good while.

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