Six Nations Predictions.

So any predictions from the rugby fans out there for this years six nations? Do Ireland have it in the bag?

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

I reluctantly think itll be either Ireland or Wales. Itll be the usual story and we (Scotland) will do ourselves (reasonably) proud and beat England and end up in the middle of the pack with Italy taking their usual place, holding the wooden spoon. Anyway Im for Ireland...COYBIG!!

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

I think the Kiwi's will be a force to reckoned with

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

I think the Kiwi's will be a force to reckoned with

Not in the Six Nations thankfully. Well not yet anyway.

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

I think it wi be a wales win

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

Itll be close between them and Ireland but I reckon Ireland has the stronger team.

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

What I usually do:

When Wales is playing: support Wales.
When Scotland is playing (not against Wales): support Scotland.
When Ireland is playing (not against Wales): support Ireland.
When Ireland vs Scotland: stay neutral.
When England is playing: support the other team.
When France is playing: support the other team.
When England vs France: stay neutral.
When Italy is playing: support the other team unless it's France or England.

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

Hoping for a welsh win

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RE:Six Nations Predictions.

nothing better than watching rugby naked - Wales for the Grand Slam!

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