What is the difference between a nudist and a naturist?

You could probably see by the title of this group I couldn't decide between 'Nudists' and 'Naturists'.

Some people prefer one title to the other and it seems these days there's no difference at all between them.
I believe the term 'Nudist' is used more in the States and parts of Europe where as 'Naturist' is used in the U.K.
In North America, some people use the two words interchangeably. Others define two different philosophies which have nudity in common. Those who find a difference define naturists as closer to nature and more interested in free beaches, and nudists as people who practice nudity more in an urban club setting.
Not all people who practice naturism/nudism like the labels. They don't see themselves as different from anyone else. As well, not all nude people at a free beach or club espouse the naturist/nudist philosophy.
Personally and as I'm English I suppose, I prefer Naturist as I love the idea of being connected with nature and living a complete Naturist lifestyle.
So, what's your take on it? Do you prefere one over the other or doesn't it matter. Or do you prefere something else?

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RE: What is the difference between a nudist and a naturist?

both are acceptable to me and i agree nuturist to me makes me think one with nature, so maybe if i'm hiking, or kayaking nude i can be a naturist and if i'm at the beach or club/camp i can be a nudist.

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RE: What is the difference between a nudist and a naturist?

Since it seems that there is widespread confustion and no concensus, I think the titles are interchangeable.

That being said, I do think that nudists/naturists come in two types with some blending of the two. The first likes to be nude for nudity's sake. They look for opportunities to be nude and be nude with others and rejoice in their nudity. The nudity itself is the point of the day and activity to be saught after. The nudist is more a party animal. "lets all get naked"

The second just enjoys doing all things while naked. They look to the activity of the day and see if they might do it naked. The nakedness is second to the otherwise interesting activity. They really don't care if anyone else is there or not. For them nudity is more of a lifestyle than an activity of itself.
For me, and me alone perhaps, The first is a nudist. The second is a naturist. I do not impart any thoughts of being natural, green, or Godly to the title "naturist". I do not wish to imply that one is better than the other.

I am a naturist by my own definition. I like to do my farm chores naked. I like to cut the grass naked, I like to kayak naked. Most all of this is done alone. I am comfortable in only my skin. I would rather be in my skin only. I don't care if others see me naked but i don't go on display. I am sensitive to the feelings of others and don't want to offend anyone. So, I get dressed when I have to and don't complain. I am not an activist. If others want to be naked with me, great we have more in common. The world is generally textiled and i can live with that though I wish it were not so.

OK now some one argue with me or add something more. That is the point of forums. You probably won't change my opinion but it will be fun to hear from you. Besides, I don't thinnk anyone knows the answer to this question.


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