July spa time

July Spa World date is Saturday July 27th. If you want to enjoy some relaxing warm water but not get burned by the sun then it is time to go enjoy Spa World Korean bathhouse. It has a bade pool, hot tubs and a chill tub. The bathhouse is inside the gender separated locker rooms. Nudity is required for being inside the bathhouse or as they like to call it the wet area.
Also enjoy the good food at the restaurant that is inside this Korean Spa. Must be wearing the Spa World uniform that is given at the front desk when you get a day pass. But you do get to enjoy eating while barefoot.
Enjoy a good relaxing day with friends while embracing the old traditional world of communal bathing.
Please post if you plan to go to Spa World on Saturday July 27th. Thanks.

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RE:July spa time

Too bad I missed this thread, I went this last weekend on Aug 3rd.

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RE:July spa time

I am hoping to go on August 11th with a group of friends. There is also a Meetup group in the area that is going : https://www.meetup.com/Mens-Nudist-Naturalist-Social-Gathering/events/262405761/

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