Terra Cotta Clothing Optional Resort CLOSED

This was copied and pasted from a notice that came out of The Hidden Springs nudist Club mailing list

We are passing on this information:
The Terra Cotta Clothing Optional Resort & Spa
2 hrs
It is with sad news that I have to post that The New Terra Cotta Nude Resort is CLOSED. It will NOT be nudist in the future.
John is ill and he did a quick sale of the resort.
Mary Clare and I learned last Thursday that the deal was financed and it was closed on Wednesday August 7th.
Anyone that had a reservation is cancelled.
Mary Clare, Jose, Patty, and I tried to contact as many people as possible with reservations in the few days, to let them know the resort is closed. However, we did not contact everyone and we no longer are employed there. If you have questions feel free contacting John at 1-253-588-0470

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