
There are several groups that I have joined that are still "pending approval" after many weeks. I would like to delete these old requests that I have made. How can I do this?

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To the best of my knowledge there is no way of doing this.
A good idea is to check when the moderator(s) of the group were last on line as they may have been on holiday or something. In one case the only moderator had not signed in for over a year so the only thing to do is to contact the TN administrators and ask them to appoint a new moderator.

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Thanks for your suggestions. It would be nice if they programmed a "rescind button".

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Im having the same problem. Submitted a trouble ticket over a week ago but no response as of yet.

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Im having the same problem. Submitted a trouble ticket over a week ago but no response as of yet.

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I will add my name to the chorus. I have been waiting for a month and still my request is classified as pending. The owner of the group has in fact been on-line multiple times during that period.

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I believe that if you go to the group you can leave while your request is pending.

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I'm having the same problem and there seems to be no way of leaving a group while membership is pending. The 'cancel' tab does nothing !

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As a Moderator of several groups, I can tell you that many of those that are requesting acceptance into groups do not read the rules or conditions for joining said groups. Many Mods put restrictions on those they accept into their groups. I've found that many, many of those that request to join my groups never read the rules or conditions and just hit the "Join Group" button. Most times they are automatically rejected because of just that.

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Not rejected ! Just being left PENDING is the problem.

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Perhaps the mod is mia from the site or doesn't come back very often. You can check who mods the groups your having issue with and then look to see when the last time they logged in.

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