How far ?

Have ya ever tried to see how far ya may go throughtout the site w/o logging in? Are ya comfortable, now?

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RE: How far ?

Very comfortable, being a naturist is nothing to be ashamed of. If people are prepared to trawl through the site just to see me as nature intended then good luck to them.

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RE: How far ?

Deerun, We've tried it in the past. If I remember correctly the ONLY areas that one cannot access if you're not logged in are the following:

The Gallery
Certified Forum Threads (one must be certified to access these any way)
Personal Blogs on members's profiles
Member's personal pictures on profiles (other than the profile picture)

ALL else is visible...including profile information, profile comments, friends list, group listings, group postings, main forum postings, nudist search, TT1's Blog, Locations....


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RE: How far ?

The only thing I'm not comfortable with, is people are not able to see enough of the site. I think it should be more open, so that everyone can see just what a wonderful lifestyle nudism is. I can never understand why so many nudists are ashamed of being seen. Nudism will never be widely accepted until such time when everyone becomes more open with it.
That's what I say! People need to become accostomed to seeing naked people and realizing that nothing bad happens!

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RE: How far ?

Wepersonally know twomembers whose lives have been drastically affected in a negative way because non-members discovered they were on here. Both these instances happened within the last year. Both instances could have been avoided if profiles were not visible to non-members.

Aside from that, with the number of "fake" profiles, inappropriate pictures, members here with lack of respect to the nudist/naturist movement or here for different agendas, questionable groups...sometimes I fear that having this website as accesible as it is does more damage than good to nudism/naturism. To protect members, I personally would like to see profiles closed off to non-members, as well as groups (until all the groups that do not meet the guidelines of the site are removed). And until there is better adherence to picture posting rules, get rid of the "featured nudist" on the home page.

With all that being said,TN, as far as features and members are concerned,is still far better than any of the other nudist websites out there!


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RE: How far ?

Thanks Jen.

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RE: How far?

Keep in mind that if you put any information on the Internet, it belongs to the world. Don't kid yourself about any protection of privacy. That being said, the odds of someone stumbling upon and using your information maliciously are infinitesimally small. Now, I'm a fat old man, so I don't have to worry about my pics being stolen, but I know many of you gorgeous people do have that threat. (it only takes 3 clicks to steal your photo off this site) But there again, what are the odds of someone you know, who wants to do you harm, surfing one of the gazillion porn sites out there that stole your photo? You are MUCH more likely to be outed by running into someone at a resort or a nude beach. Those tend to be local so are around people you know or run into.

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RE: ? How far

Welcome to the site!

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RE: How far ?

I have another thought. I wish TT1 had an option to make your profile available to certified nudists only. You can have your profile private and available to friends only; however I choose NOT TO. I want my profile available to any true nudist on this site, regardless of whether he/she is on my friends list. What's missing is the option to make your profile private and available to CERTIFIED NUDISTS only.

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RE: How far ?

I have another thought. I wish TT1 had an option to make your profile available to certified nudists only. You can have your profile private and available to friends only; however I choose NOT TO. I want my profile available to any true nudist on this site, regardless of whether he/she is on my friends list. What's missing is the option to make your profile private and available to CERTIFIED NUDISTS only.

REALLY good idea, Catbird! Although we do it on occasion, we really don't like totally closing off our profile to "friends only". Hoping TT1 sees this suggestion... and will post it o nthe site suggestions thread as well.


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RE: How far ?

I'm not afraid of people seeing me here, I don't hide the fact that I am a nudist. I own a small business and wouldn't want to alienate customers that don't get it. That being said anyone willing to join a nudist site is either a nudist or a looker, so they can't be upset with me being here.
It would be better if people could only see a very little especially it's free for them to join, at least so the site has a record of their email

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