Hawaii 5-0

This past friday's Dec 5th , episode of Hawaii 5-0 opened with one of the characters interacting with his girl friend in the shower. Both were discretely nude, this being prime time network TV. Then 2 masked men entered the bathroom and kidnapped the woman by dragging her off. The guy proceeded to fight the other man. The fight seen was quite intense and prolonged with the victor being the naked guy. The camera man had a chore to film the scene without showing too much for TV . I found the scene a good portrayal of a fight with the nudity of one character not being an issue , just a fact since it started in a shower.

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RE:Hawaii 5-0

This past friday's Dec 5th , episode of Hawaii 5-0 opened with one of the characters interacting with his girl friend in the shower. Both were discretely nude, this being prime time network TV. Then 2 masked men entered the bathroom and kidnapped the woman by dragging her off. The guy proceeded to fight the other man. The fight seen was quite intense and prolonged with the victor being the naked guy. The camera man had a chore to film the scene without showing too much for TV . I found the scene a good portrayal of a fight with the nudity of one character not being an issue , just a fact since it started in a shower.
I look forward to checking this out. I know what you mean about nudity being used to add intensity. I haven't seen this episode yet but I love the idea of the vulnerability of a man and woman in the shower leaving them open and defenseless. It adds a great deal to have a nude man fighting clothed intruders, and then to overpower them it adds even more intensity to the whole scene. It's always seeing nude scenes, and exposed bodies, and things like love scenes or showers scenes where everyone is nude are so pleasurable to me. But I especially love seeing people undress, revealing their nude bodies and then I especially love seeing totally naked characters with clothed characters. The power and expression of the nudity is even more enhanced and meaningful.

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