I do virtually everything naked at home

I live in an apartment on the 15th floor. The moment I get home I strip naked. I clean naked; watch TV & read naked; decorate my Christmas tree naked; prepare for parties naked; dishes naked; I am able to enjoy my balcony naked and work outside doing gardening, etc, naked; eat and sleep naked. I am very lucky that other then some tall buildings 2 blocks away from me there are no neighbours that can stare in unless they have binoculars.
The garbage chute is located just down the hallway from my apartment so I will often just open the door and see if anyone is out there (most times not) so I will run down the hall and dispose of my garbage naked as well.
I like the feeling of being naked. It prevents me from sweating when doing chores. I'm not encumbered or restrained in my movements. It also allows me the opportunity to touch myself if, and when I get the urge.

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RE:I do virtually everything naked at home

very well put, I am the same situation and do virtually everything naked at home... although I have not been brave enough to do the garbage chute run naked.

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RE:I do virtually everything naked at home

only thing i do like is part where ya say touch but im the same doing everything nude but have good neighbors who are ok with it it
going to miss it when i movie next week

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RE: naked at home

Yes well summed up.
Like you on moving in l did a complete redecoration of my home from start to finish naked including doing tile work that way. As you say it felt great as it can be sweaty work and as all l had to do ws jump in the shower it made for easy cleanup afterwards.
In a lighter note, in being single and so able to live in nkkd friendly/ clothing optional home , l obvious also generally cook nkkd
But I once had a lodger who worked on shifts so l mostly had the house to myself to live nkkd as wanted. But on the 2nd week of his stay he suddenly came home early. As always I was nkkd cooking myself a snack and in seeing me, said omg f*k no! rushed upstairs, immediately packet his bags and then left without saying another word!
At 1st l was pd off at his crap behaviour, such poor manners but hours later l creased over laughing and it has proven to be an entertaining story ever since! Needless to say l never heard another word from him not even asking for a refund for time he had paid but not stayed. Some ppl huh?

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RE:I do virtually everything naked at home

I live in an apartment on the 15th floor. The moment I get home I strip naked. I clean naked; watch TV & read naked; decorate my Christmas tree naked; prepare for parties naked; dishes naked; I am able to enjoy my balcony naked and work outside doing gardening, etc, naked; eat and sleep naked. I am very lucky that other then some tall buildings 2 blocks away from me there are no neighbours that can stare in unless they have binoculars.The garbage chute is located just down the hallway from my apartment so I will often just open the door and see if anyone is out there (most times not) so I will run down the hall and dispose of my garbage naked as well.I like the feeling of being naked. It prevents me from sweating when doing chores. I'm not encumbered or restrained in my movements. It also allows me the opportunity to touch myself if, and when I get the urge.

Same here but I live in a house. If it's not in the front yard I'm naked. As soon as I walk in the door if we're not going out to dinner I strip naked.

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RE:I do virtually everything naked at home

Same here except when cold weather forces a shirt or hoodie to stay warm

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RE:I do virtually everything naked at home

I'm always nude at home, love the freedom that it gives.

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RE:I do virtually everything naked at home

Pretty much the same here, unless it is super cold then I throw on pocho. I also wear that transfer door if some rings unexpectedly. Otherwise I am home clothes free.

I'm always nude at home, love the freedom that it gives.

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