Shaving and spray tan tips?

So my other half has a free spray tan..she tanned the other day and it looks great, but a few years ago I tried a spray tan and it did not "stick". She suggested I least from the waist down so that the spray with stick better. The first time around I think the hair on my legs and chest caught more of the spray and prevented it from doing what it was supposed to do..seems like I wiped off more spray from my legs and torso and I was a bit let down with the results.

I am pretty hairy and not sure I want to shave, but don't think it would be horrible either as I know it would grow back with time. We are planning on heading to Florida in mid-March and I would prefer to have some color..and hopefully some hair on my legs and chest...not one for the completely smooth look, but I have never been smooth either.

Any suggestions or tips from anyone out there, hairy or not, that might have tried shaving for a spray tan or anyone tan frequently enough that might offer some guidance?

Thanks! Teeko

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RE:Shaving and spray tan tips?

I havent done a spray tan myself but I know from my wife and others that reputable places will usually have pre and post tan instructions. As I recall a scrub to exfoliate and clean oils is recommended prior and no showering for 24 hours after. There are probably other things as well and they may be able to answer about the hair as well.

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RE:Shaving and spray tan tips?

Thanks bud! Dang! Was not aware of the 24 hour no shower either..could be rough if I have to go to work. Wife did her spay on this past Friday..did not mention the no shower thing..but I think I will add that to my list of questions. Appreciate the response! Off to shower and work here now. Regards, T.

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RE:Shaving and spray tan tips?

i am behind on the shaving but love the feel of smooth down there both front and rear. (yes in the crack). i prefer Nair but sometimes do the shave cream with multiblade razor. I did a video on my page AustinJohn. Prefer to have a female do next time but wife not into. Any volunteers on here? Make a fun event -shave party.

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