Tips for shaving and tanning?

So my other half has a free spray tan..she tanned the other day and it looks great, but a few years ago I tried a spray tan and it did not "stick". She suggested I least from the waist down so that the spray with stick better. The first time around I think the hair on my legs and chest caught more of the spray and prevented it from doing what it was supposed to do..seems like I wiped off more spray from my legs and torso and I was a bit let down with the results.

I am pretty hairy and not sure I want to shave, but don't think it would be horrible either as I know it would grow back with time. We are planning on heading to Florida in mid-March and I would prefer to have some color..and hopefully some hair on my legs and chest...not one for the completely smooth look, but I have never been smooth either.

Any suggestions or tips from anyone out there, hairy or not, that might have tried shaving for a spray tan or anyone tan frequently enough that might offer some guidance?

Thanks! Teeko

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