Club versus Resort

By operating as a "club" we're able to create a nude Recreation area that's very affordable, if we took the position of "resort" the additional legal and regulatory requirements would make the recreation area too expensive to entice larger participation. The casual nudist and the younger crowd for example would find it cost prohibitive, and wouldn't bother.

Montana has separate legal criteria depending on the structure of the organization, a "club" is essentially unregulated, where as campgrounds, RV parks, resorts, etc have regulation and license requirements. Those requirements would correlate to higher fees, and that's what we're trying to avoid.

This is why we're creating membership criteria, it creates a pain in the ass, but it does save the members money. (We hope the lower fees will also correlate to a higher number of people participating) If we were "open to the public" Montana would reject our club status, Force regulatory participation, thus, cost would increase participation fees would rise and participation would dwindle as a result of the higher fees.

This is why we're a club and not a resort.
Inshort the difference between a customer and a club member is this way you're getting an affordable place to get naked with friends, that are also members.

(And I have nothing against resort, it's probably a fair trade between cost and services, if that's what you want. But, That's just not what this "club" is.)

Those regulations probably won't prohibit us from having the occasional open house to entice new members. We're working on that now.

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