Insect Repellent

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Insect Repellent

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RE: Insect Repellent

Yeah yeah, we know insect repellant burns the ole block and tackle, tee hee. :D
Stay Naked!

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RE: Insect Repellent

We have a moisttowelette similar to a baby wipe here in Vietnam, designed for kids, and works better than spray on stuff,Also no sting or yuk smell, they are great. really need them around here at night especially.

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RE: Insect Repellent

If you don't like DEET or other chemical insect repellants, try lemon eucalyptus oil. Many people don't like the smell, but it has been tested to be as effective as DEET and is all natural.

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RE: Insect Repellent

If you don't like DEET or other chemical insect repellants, try lemon eucalyptus oil. Many people don't like the smell, but it has been tested to be as effective as DEET and is all natural.

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RE: Insect Repellent

I was sondering that too. Why put it in areas that rub together

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