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I have been waxing for about 10 years. My first wax esthetician was female and I went to her for about 6 years. She was very professional and I was very comfortable with her. But I had to book appointments with her 5 weeks in advance. Twice, I had to cancel and rescheduling was too long.

For the last 4-5 years, Ive been going to a salon that does Brazilian waxes. I can easily get an appointment. There are two women who will do male Brazilians although I normally have the same woman. She knows me very well and Im even more comfortable with her. Lastly, she does an outstanding job.

I do get erect during my session. Its not a sexual thing (maybe a little bit). The hot wax on my penis and testicles feel good and she manipulates my penis by stretching it. So, it just gets hard. At my 2nd or 3rd appointment, I apologized for the erection. Her response was, dont worry about it. I appreciate it because it makes it much easier to wax your shaft.

I often get my back waxed. I would like to wax myself from the neck down. My esthetician would love to wax all of me. She always touts how beautiful a hairless body is.

I wish the general population felt the same.

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