College or High School Friends

I think there's some kind of special bond or level of intensity to some friendships when you're young and in your formative years. I don't have any friendships from high school that lasted except for one and it definitely falls under the category of bromosexual. We met in high school and even though I was living the straight life I was very attracted to him. He was good looking, athletic, a gymnast and track star, later a diver and I think that helped me be attracted to him, his physical presence. At one point we dated the same girl but we didnt let it get between us. We took a summer job in the same place and since we were on the same schedule went on weekend hikes together.
We were kind of inseparable, Then we went to the same college and decided to room together. The first night as we were getting ready for bed he said I hope you don't mind but I sleep in the nude, which of course was like music to my ears since I had been doing it off and onn since I was 14. After that we were always naked together. We gradually grew apart but still maintain contact half a world away. But then, also in college I met other guys, especially three that were very deep friendships, especially with one guy who, even his mother used to tell us we were lucky to have met each other since it was obvious we were such deep soul mates. So there was the two of us, he completely ridiculously straight who bedded women right and left, another athlete, beautiful guy, whom I admired. He really loved me too, we did so much together, real best friends, and we were part of this other group of four guys and then a larger group of guys who all just hung together. There was sharing of all kinds of stories and trust between us with so much laughter. It's funny, I only really remember the good times. I was struggling with lots of stuff in my life and shared some of it with my best friend, but also with the other guys. I was naked alot in our rooms, my friends were in a fraternity and that place had frequent nudity upstairs in the rooms, shower rooms and halls. I so didnt fit there, not a member, not a "brother" but because of my bond with a few guys I was accepted. Another buddy who hung with us was I guess what you later would call a metro sexual. He had a beautiful girlfriend and had nude pictures of her on his walls, beautiful black and white art shots. We saw him as so edgy and confident. But he also was trying to express this other side, he wanted to try gay stuff and was pressuring me. I hated it. I didn't want it to go there but our friendship kept us together anyway. My best bromosexual buddy and I talked about everything, lots of times about sex. There were a few times we woke up, me naked, him in just boxers embracing in bed. We hadn't had sex, just felt comfortable that way. Another time we all ended up in bed that way. We took a trip to Florida and were nude in the motel rooms, in the back of the van, we swam naked in pools, and some had this sexual charge, but we did not have sex, since on that trip it was two straight, one who later came out as gay and one, myself who would eventually realize I was basically bi. Another time, after that trip, three of us all ended up with this free time and we drank and smoked way too much. We got so silly, crazy really.
We all stripped and crammed into a single shower stall in the women's room! Friends came and watched us, all laughing. Girls were pissed off but we still joke about it. So anyway, we had some really deep friendships and even though I definitely was not so certain about my sexuality that didn't really matter with those friends and I'd call us bromosexual!

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RE:College or High School Friends

My university days are when my exhibitionism was born. As a kid growing up, I was really shy about my body. But I moved into a residence with 30 guys and we shared everything, so eventually modesty went out the window. We start in the showers and end up running around the whole house in a water fight. Pretty sure the hash and the liquor was a factor. Then when I pledged a fraternity, initiation was brutal and you would end up stripped down and humiliated in some fashion. They couldn't get away with 90% of that stuff today. But it was a crazy time.

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RE:College or High School Friends

Thats awesome! I wish I had those type of bonds with male friends.

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RE:College or High School Friends

When I was in college I knew these two soccer players that would always hang out in their underwear, arms around each other in the common area while watching TV and would be completely naked in their room. I was so envious of their friendship. One time at a party they ended up naked, arms around each other, rubbing each others nipples saying things dude I love you and if you were a girl dude Id marry you. They claimed to be straight and would always say its not gay its just dude love. Both dudes ended up marrying women.

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