The Swimmer 1968

Has anyone seen the 1968 film called The Swimmer with Burt Lancaster? It starts off warm and beautiful as he attempts to swim all the pools as he crosses the county one summer day. At one pool he encounters a nudist couple and joins them by shedding his suit. It is an interesting film that takes a very dark turn in the end as the viewer learns more about his character and the circumstances that lead to where he is at this point in life. Check it out if you have not seen it.

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RE:The Swimmer 1968

Thanks for the tip. I'm running out good films to watch.
Rocky in Texas

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RE:The Swimmer 1968

Yes I do remember that film....and you're right. Didn't go in the direction I thought it would. I also remember Kim Hunter in that film, who I alwasy liked. She was in the original Planet of the Apes movies, playing Zira.

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RE:The Swimmer 1968

It is an excellent film. Very under appreciated at the time of its release. It's based on a short short by someone, but I forget who. Rember seeking it out and reading it after I first saw the film. Quite a haunting film, and yes, Joan Rivers has a small role in it, long before she found fame.

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RE:The Swimmer 1968

I'm glad you mentioned this film. I commented on it in another thread in this group. It's a strange film, really kind of a glimpse into a man's breakdown and its dark, but it's more about the journey. Yes Joan Rivers is in it. The short story writer John Cheever wrote the book. It's one of my favorite Burt Lancaster movies, From Here To Eternity and Atlantic City being my other favorites, even more than Elmer Gantry. The first couple of times I saw this was on network TV and they edited out the nudity. So I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw the uncut version late one night. The other comment about The Swimmer I made in this group was under the topic Surprising Nude Scenes and I think the only reason its surprising is that its unusual to see a well known and established actor of Lancaster's standing willing to do a nude scene. But actually in a way nudity really fits in this film and it's almost too bad his character didn't swim all the pools naked, or at least stay naked for the rest of the film after he strips at their pool. Of course it never would have happened at that time, in the 1960s, but it would have been interesting. I'm really glad this film got brought up again.

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RE:The Swimmer 1968

I have a book about Nude Male Photography / Photography in the 30's - 60's. In it is a pic of Burt Lancaster, nude rear, from "The Swimmer". I'm not sure I could reliably photo-reproduce it, so I will try a Google search for it.

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RE:The Swimmer 1968

Turns out there are Lots of nude pics Online from "The Swimmer". :-) AND, he was NOT the only Actor Nude in it!

Also, there are frontal nude pics of Burt Lancaster from his much-younger days. I don't believe they are from Movies, which is this Group. He may have done it for $$$ in his young career, same as Yul Brynner, and Charleton Heston.

I will upload from my own personal collection -- of just "The Swimmer". And I will likely add from the Google search, "The Swimmer" pics I didn't already have.

My Google search string:
Burt Lancaster nude The Swimmer
The Search results return of a number of articles and Pinterest collections. Then go to "Images" , so see the photos.

Happy downloading! :-)

-- Grant in NH

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