Best friend

I guess you would call my relationship with my best friend a bromance.

We met forty years ago (funnily enough through his wife, whom I worked with) and quickly became best pals. Although I was not yet out, Im sure he knew I was gay; we just never talked about it. His wife and I were close friends at work, and we heard at one point that some co-workers thought we were having an affair!

He and I would spend at least one afternoon and evening together, usually while his wife was working late. We would almost always get naked when we were hanging at my house. Our friendship progressed and as I began exploring my sexuality, more than once we played together. However it never went past us French-kissing or my performing oral sex on him. We often professed our love for each other.

After a few years a job transfer took he and his wife out of town but he returned frequently on business trips. He would always stay at my house, and we would sleep together naked, usually in each others arms.

To this day we remain best friends. Although there has been nothing sexual for many years, and as careers caused us both to move to other parts of the country, we still consider ourselves very close. We can go several months without having a chance to talk, yet when we do connect, we pick right up as if we had just spoken the day before. And, now that I am married, our spouses are close and the four of us still have a great time when we all get together.

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