The Sweepstakes Has Begun

To all of our friends from around the world, please indulge us for a few minutes while we discuss American politics. Thank you.
The run for the 2012 Presidential election has begun. The Republicans are searching for someone to run against our sitting President in November of 2012. There are a lot of tired old faces out there but yesterday I attended a gathering of grass roots individuals and met a man who, I feel, can rescue our Country from the malaise in which we now find ourselves. His name is Herman Cain. Please check him out. His web site is Go to the News Room page and listen to some of his past speeches and interviews. Personally I found him to be very intelligent, charismatic and articulate with a very deep grasp of the problems facing America and the World today.
I urge you to check him out and, if you feel as I do, send him a donation. Oh, by the way, the first thing you will notice about Mr. Cain and he will tell you this, is he is Black.

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RE: The Sweepstake Has Begun

If he will make all of the beaches Clothing Optional, then he has my vote.

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The Sweepstakes Has Begun

If he will make all of the beaches Clothing Optional, then he has my vote.
If he will make all of the U.S. Clothing Optional, then he has my vote.
There, fixed that for ya..
I'd settle for nudist friendly.

We asked him a lot of questions but didn't get around to that subject. He is, however, very business friendly so I'm sure that he would be inclined to promote legitimate businesses, including the nudist industry. He would most likely not throw any artificial roadblocks to make it hard for anybusiness to operate. He believes in entrepreneurship and the small entrepreneur.

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The Sweepstakes Has Begun

This guy deserves a bump. Check him out at

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RE: The Sweepstakes Has Begun

I have to say Bruce nailed in on the head with these 2 comments.....
"Too many professional politicians"
"God forbid-a minority who lives the American dream without government assistance; with competence and by his own efforts, and beats the good ole boys at their own game then inspires others to do the same. He will be hated more than George W. Bush."

But I don't want to hear about 2012 yet, because everyone who is a 'front runner' today will be long gone by the dog days of summer 2012 and we will be stuck with a couple of professional politicians, who don't have the nerve or brains to bring about the real change that is needed.

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The Sweepstakes Has Begun

This deserves a bump.

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RE: The Sweepstakes Has Begun

"to bring about the real change that is needed." And this means what?

IMHO, it is to get rid of big government, reducing the number of agencies that bring no value. Focusing on policy that creates American jobs, not more taxes and programs. A policy that isn't focused on more government regulation and government control for every aspect of life - basically slowing the move toward a socialist form of government that we seem to be headed toward. Managing within a balanced budget, that is focused on the central purposes of government as oultlined in the US Constitution, not what government has grown to be over the last couple hundred years.

Many of the programs & ideas come about because of what I call the "fairness" doctrine of today - which says everything has to be fair for everyone and the it is the governments job to make it so. But the US Constitution does NOT set forth that principle - it says we are entitled to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (notice it says pursuit, not we will make it all fair, pay for everything you need, etc.). We need to hear a bit more straight talk that says - LIFE ISN'T FAIR, SO GET OVER IT and take responsibility for your own life, stop blaming others (parents, schools, race, gender, religion, etc., etc.) and start owning up to living your life, allowing others to live theirs without complaining about how they live or trying to tell them how to live it.

Please note I believe that BOTH sides of the political spectrum in the US attempt to do these things for varying reasons. This is not an indictment of either the Democrats or Republicans (listed in alaphabetical order on purpose) - it is an indictment of BOTH.

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