Nudist Nothing to Hide

Nudism is a richer and simpler lifestyle that removes barriers between people. Those here who have already embraced nudism already know all about the positive body acceptance that one finds in our lifestyle. Then there are those among us who are new and still perhaps havent quite made the leap from private nudity to social nudity.

I imagine for the most part many of those who visit this site have probably been curious about the thought of living life clothes free and has some appeal for them. Maybe you even spent part of your day naked around your own home. However, the thought of spending time naked around others in a social setting is something you cant even imagine doing.

For a great many people, this is due to poor body image acceptance. The advertising industry ties the already complex issue of body image with materialism. A slender body is associated with wealth, health, and attractiveness while a heavier body is associated with sloth, indulgence, and a lack of self-control.

One of the key aspects of naturism is a strong emphasis on promoting positive body image. Spending time naked in the presence of others often has very positive benefits with respect to improving a persons body image and self esteem. It helps one be able to let go of misconceptions or distorted messages and expectations that you have been learned through the medias portrayal of what people should look like. It helps people to feel less self conscious about their bodies and in turn learn to become more accepting of themselves as well as others for who they are and not what everyone else expects them to be. The first thing you will discover when attending a nudist social gathering is that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. You will find people older than you and people younger, some larger and some smaller. But the amazing thing is you will find most of us look pretty much the same without clothing. Clothing hides the body and makes it easy for us to live under the false illusion that our body just doesnt measure up to that of others. The human body is beautiful in all its forms, at any age during the life cycle.

Nudist like us can make the biggest difference in sharing our lives by being mentors and leading by example. Social nudity is one excellent place to find these kinds of friends. One of the key aspects of naturism is a strong emphasis on promoting positive body image. Social nudity is one excellent place to find these kinds of friends.

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