Nude snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef?

I've done a Reef trip three times over the years and always enjoyed it. Always with a swimsuit (and on the last outing I made a point of staying that way for the whole ride back - should have done that both ways), on a smaller craft the first time and twice with the large Quicksilver group. I preferred the intimacy of the smaller craft; my wife preferred the ride on the larger one since she can get motion sickness. The third trip was decided for us with some concessionary tickets.

Has anyone done the trip on a nude or clothing-optional basis? The smaller services may be flexible in that regard.

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RE:Nude snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef?

Wish I could find a place to snorkel nude.

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RE:Nude snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef?

The reef has lots of protection overlays these days, I'm not even sure visiting is possible without a licensed operator.

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