No walls or barriers

I love being naked primarily because it feels like I let down all my walls and barriers. It does not get me sexually arouse but gets me to feel more comfortable. I have been in environments where all were nude and fairs in San Francisco where some were nude as an option. They both just feel liberating and free. I tell my friends who visit that I am a nudist and ask if that is an problem for them. Most say no, some get nude and stay dressed.

I am sensitive and respectful of those who are uncomfortable with nudity, if I want them to respect my preference, I need to respect theirs.

But, I would not mind if nudity was decriminalized, I don't know if I would ever get dressed. I have no problem shopping or eating or anything else in the nude.

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RE:No walls or barriers

I love being naked primarily because it feels like I let down all my walls and barriers. It does not get me sexually arouse but gets me to feel more comfortable. I have been in environments where all were nude and fairs in San Francisco where some were nude as an option. They both just feel liberating and free. I tell my friends who visit that I am a nudist and ask if that is an problem for them. Most say no, some get nude and stay dressed.I am sensitive and respectful of those who are uncomfortable with nudity, if I want them to respect my preference, I need to respect theirs.But, I would not mind if nudity was decriminalized, I don't know if I would ever get dressed. I have no problem shopping or eating or anything else in the nude.

I would have no problem being nude when shopping anywhere, eating in a fast food restaurant, or any outdoor activity if the weather was warm enough. Not sure about full service restaurants. Probably wouldn't be comfortable in situations where there are many people in close proximity, such as church, theaters, public transportation, etc.

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RE:No walls or barriers

I love being naked primarily because it feels like I let down all my walls and barriers. It does not get me sexually arouse but gets me to feel more comfortable. I have been in environments where all were nude and fairs in San Francisco where some were nude as an option. They both just feel liberating and free. I tell my friends who visit that I am a nudist and ask if that is an problem for them. Most say no, some get nude and stay dressed.I am sensitive and respectful of those who are uncomfortable with nudity, if I want them to respect my preference, I need to respect theirs.But, I would not mind if nudity was decriminalized, I don't know if I would ever get dressed. I have no problem shopping or eating or anything else in the nude.I would have no problem being nude when shopping anywhere, eating in a fast food restaurant, or any outdoor activity if the weather was warm enough. Not sure about full service restaurants. Probably wouldn't be comfortable in situations where there are many people in close proximity, such as church, theaters, public transportation, etc.

PS. I would work out nude at a gym if it were permitted. Also drive nude most of the time when warm enough.

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RE:No walls or barriers

I love being naked primarily because it feels like I let down all my walls and barriers. It does not get me sexually arouse but gets me to feel more comfortable. decriminalized."
Agreed. Since my swimwear for textile areas is on the brief side, I do sometimes moderate my choice slightly on the anticipated crowd and location. That all falls away in a CO situation.

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